
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wet Chalk Exploration

My apologies for being quiet this week but Bubbles and Squiggles have been wanting a bit more Mummy time than normal and have been having trouble getting to sleep at night, so as you can understand spending time with my girls has taken precedence over blogging about spending time with them. :)

Unfortunately, Squiggles has managed to break my camera so for the next couple of days, until I can get it fixed, I'll being sharing activities from our past. As part of Nurture Store's Simple play:: complex learning series, today I'm sharing a way we've explored and played with chalk.
This play was prompted by Bubbles-I'd provided a blackboard and chalk but she decided to add in another element-water! 
When Bubbles sprayed her board to clean it, she didn't know at the time that it would make the chalk so much more vibrant. We had great fun experimenting with drawing the chalk on the dry side of the board and then the wet side and talking about why the colours might be different, and which she liked more. 
I always like to try and include Squiggles in our activities, recognising that whilst she may be young she is still a little person of her own who is soaking up every little bit of knowledge offered to her. So, whilst Squiggles was just 5 months old when we did this I gave her a reflective tray and a piece of chalk to explore-(she had yet to begin putting everything in her mouth at this stage!) and she had great fun making the chalk roll backwards and forwards accross the tray and exploring her reflection.

How do you include your baby in your play?


Please always supervise your infant/child at play.  Please stay within arms reach and never leave infants/children unattended.  You know you're infant/child best, use your own judgement-considering your infant/child's temperament, habits, behaviour and development before you play with a new play medium.

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