
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Chocolate Rice Bubble Playdough

Have you heard of The Great Cloth Diaper Change? It's an event I'm quite passionate about and have been lucky enough to be involved in since the beginning.

For those who don't know it's an annual event where parents across the globe join together and attempt to break the Guinness World Record for Most Cloth Nappies Changed in a 24 hour period at Multiple Locations.

To do this all that happens is parents and guardians gather at various locations across the globe, and at a set time change their children from a cloth or disposable nappy into a cloth nappy. It's an easy and fun way to attempt to break a world record and a great way to raise awareness about the environmental and financial benefits and the advancement of cloth nappies!

I was lucky enough to be able to host an event in my home town. As part of the event we had several activity areas set up where the kids could play before and after the event.

One of those activity areas was a playdough table where I had three plates of playdough set up. Keeping with an eco-friendly theme I chose to make a blue icy pole playdough, green pea playdough  and brown, chocolate, rice bubble playdough.

 Chocolate Rice Bubble Playdough Recipe 
(Note: This recipe was inspired by Paging Fun Mums' Natural Playdough, it's quite different to ours with specially chosen ingredients for eczema so be sure to click through!)

1 cup cold water
2/3 cup rice bubbles
3tbs oil (we used rice bran)
2tbs golden syrup
2 cups plain flour (we used gluten free)
1/3 cup cocoa

Mix all ingredients in a saucepan.
Stir over medium heat for 3-5minutes or until the mixture congeals.
Remove from heat and place on a lightly floured bench.
Once cool enough to touch knead well.
This playdough lasts for about 2 weeks when stored in an airtight container in the fridge.

If you liked this you may also like Natural Playdough. Just click the picture to read all about it!

Please always supervise your infant/child at play.  Please stay within arms reach and never leave infants/children unattended.  You know you're infant/child best, use your own judgement-considering your infant/child's temperament, habits, behaviour and development before you play with a new play medium.

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