
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Parenting with Chronic Illness: Supports

Hi there! I'm Mummy A from Squishels and Me and I'm so excited to be guest-posting here on Squiggles and Bubbles again. I'm a young, first time mum to one beautiful baby girl, Squishels and I've been living with a chronic illness for a long time. Over the next few months I'm going to be sharing with you my experience of living with a chronic illness whilst being pregnant and parenting a newborn.

In writing this series, I am writing only from experience, and not from any degree or medical background.

If you need perinatal mental health supports in an emergency, call your local hospital or E.D. (000). They're typically the best supports to help you along the way in an emergency. Alternatively, Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636), P.A.N.D.A. (1300 726 306) or even Lifeline (13 11 14).

Other supports I had were access to Action against Postpartum Psychosis and LactMed.

I also had a specialist perinatal mental health team through St. John of God hospital (Raphael House) that I would highly recommend seeking out if it's possible, and my local hospital's "Mother and Family Unit" that really helped me figure out what was going on physically and hormonally in those first few weeks.

Above all, my biggest support was definitely being open with my antenatal team and the labour ward. In being open, they were always able to see what I needed, and how to best give me that.

I hope that this coming series about my own experiences may help some other mums or mums-to-be in their journey into motherhood and give a little hope and light to parenting with chronic illnesses.

The medical information on this site is provided as a personal anecdote only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.If you need perinatal mental health supports in an emergency, call your local hospital or E.D. (000). They're typically the best supports to help you along the way in an emergency. Alternatively, Beyond Blue (; 1300 22 4636), P.A.N.D.A. (; 1300 726 306) or even Lifeline (, 13 11 14). 

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