
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fizzing Rainbow Eggs

It's no secret that we love making fizzing creations here, so today's activity should come as no surprise: Fizzing Rainbow Eggs!

 To make our eggs we simply mixed 500g of bicarb with 7Tbs of water to form a soft dough.
We then divided it into four and added some colour with food dye (I made the mistake of turning my back on Bubbles during this step and we ended up with the entire contents of the green food dye bottle in one bowl!).
 After that we pressed small amounts of dough into a silicone egg moulds to create a rainbow effect.
 We left the eggs to dry for several days.

Before I was able to get a picture of the finished product, Bubbles begged to take one to daycare. There were 4 eggs, and there are 4 kids at Bubbles' daycare so I sent them all.
 The best thing, in my opinion, about creating large, fizzing creations, is that it takes slot of vinegar before they disappear, so you can play again and again. Which is exactly what we did with the remnants Bubbles brought home.

What fun things  have you created this Easter season?

Please always supervise your infant/child at play.  Please stay within arms reach and never leave infants/children unattended.  You know you're infant/child best, use your own judgement-considering your infant/child's temperament, habits, behaviour and development before you play with a new play medium.

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