
Monday, April 21, 2014

Painting with Baby

Squiggles is growing up more and more everyday, too quickly if you ask me but not quick enough for her. She's desperate to be just like her big sister and wants to do everything Bubbles does, this leads to several frustration breakdowns a day. This activity came about as an attempt to avoid said, frustration tantrum.

Bubbles and Numnut were enjoying creating a Mr Maker creation which involved painting, Squiggles saw this and immediately made it clear she wanted to join in. I'm not yet ready to let Squiggles play with real paint as she's still quite into exploring her world with her mouth.

We've painted with pureed food and home made finger paints before but I didn't have any made up and wanted something super fast as Squiggles was beginning to get frustrated so I simply grabbed a glass of water and added two drops of food dye (I wanted it weak so it didn't stain the carpet in case it was knocked over). It worked a treat!

What have you done this week to avoid a frustration tantrum?

Please always supervise your infant/child at play.  Please stay within arms reach and never leave infants/children unattended.  You know you're infant/child best, use your own judgement-considering your infant/child's temperament, habits, behaviour and development before you play with a new play medium.

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