Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kindness Elves Day 2

Bubbles had lots of fun coming up with names for our advent helpers yesterday and settled on Love, Joy and Hope.

This morning they were waiting by the kitchen entrance in front of a rainbow, I expected Bubbles to find them straight away but she was a little confused that they had moved and needed a few prompts from Daddy to find them. She was so excited about the rainbow and wanted to share the coins with Squiggles straight away-she was quite disappointed when she was told Squiggles was too young to eat chocolate, but decided she could share a toy with Squiggles instead.

I was so proud when Bubbles made the choice to wait until after breakfast to eat her gold coins, I don't know exactly what we're doing to encourage her healthy eating habits but this morning's choice made me feel like we must be doing something right!

There are so many fantastic ideas being posted on The Imagination Tree's facebook page-I can't wait to give them a go.

One of the readers commented that she's doing the 3 wise men and they're searching for baby Jesus-I think this is such a fantastic idea and something to think about doing next year.

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