Welcome back for another month of 12 Months of Sensory Dough Recipes where several bloggers get together to share the exciting sensory dough recipes and a variety of twists and turns. It is our hope that you will have a
one-stop resource for all things Sensory Dough!
This month we are featuring a huge list of edible doughs! That's right playdough that you can eat, taste good, and is moldable!
This is only our second edible playdough ever! As I said in my post about our Edible Gingerbread Playdough, I've seen edible playdoughs floating around on the internet for awhile now, but I've never really been interested in them. I like taste-safe doughs for littlies but the idea of a playdough that you can eat and tastes good, just never really appealed and still doesn't to be honest.
This time around, I chose to try out Mama.Papa.Bubba's Marshmallow dough.
I didn't do so well, making this one: I cooked the marshmallows a
little long and the dough wound up with flecks of toffee throughout but I
figured it would give the dough an interesting texture for the girls'
to explore. Squiggles' requested yellow playdough-but I had a little
trouble getting the dye mixed through.
With frozen dough on my mind, I decided to pop the dough in the freezer and see how the dough responded to being frozen.
With frozen dough on my mind, I decided to pop the dough in the freezer and see how the dough responded to being frozen.
To invite the girls to play, I simply placed some edible frozen playdough on a tray
along with
a few other elements I thought might enhance their play: marbles, rocks, tree cookies and dowel pieces.
After being in the freezer overnight the dough was very solid so I thought it'd be perfect for a little hand strengthening. To support this, I provided the girls with scissors, knives and rolling pins too.

Squiggles attempted to roll the dough, but finding it a bit firm to do so easily, she opted to begin pushing marbles and rocks into the dough.
Bubbles began moulding her dough and turning it into a 'person sculpture.' Bubbles remarked how the dough was as tough as clay but sticky! I mentioned you could eat this dough too, but she and Squiggles found this hilarious and refused my offers to try a bite.
As Bubbles, isn't a fan of sticky hands, I added a tub of water for her to wash her hands in. Squiggles and Bubbles took that opportunity to see if the dough reacted to water the same way as clay. Smoothing the water onto the dough and eventually dunking the whole thing into the water.
Once the girls finished playing and experimenting, we reset up the playdough tray and it stayed out on the table for the rest of the week-being revisited again and again.
Now for the fun part…
Would you call this recipe and activity a success or a fail? Would you try this recipe or have you tried another? We want to see! You can share pictures to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Google+. Tag your pictures with #ilovesensorydough.
sure to check out each blogger, as we will each provide a different
take on the dough, some of us with have the BEST recipe ever, while
others will show you our attempts (both failed and
Edible Jelly Bean Playdough | Lemon Lime Adventures
Edible Peanut Butter Playdough | Powerful Mothering
Edible Chocolate Play Dough | Preschool Powol Packets
Edible Ice Cream Dough | Natural Beach Living
Roti Dough | In The Playroom
Edible Cream Cheese Playdough | Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tail
Edible Golden Syrup Dough | Peakle Pie
Edible Birthday Cake Dough | The Life of Jennifer Dawn
Edible Frozen Dough | Squiggles and Bubbles
For more activities like this check out my new book Learn with Play. It’s a collaborative work,
written by myself and 93 other amazing bloggers, mothers, teachers and early
childhood educators. The e-book comes with links to over 300 activities!
Please always supervise your infant/child at play. Please stay within arms reach and never leave infants/children unattended. You know you're infant/child best, use your own judgement-considering your infant/child's temperament, habits, behaviour and development before you play with a new play medium.
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